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Meet Jacqueline A. Kania
Jacqueline A. Kania (Jackie) is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who is certified with the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapists Association and the International Association of Councelors & Therapists . Jackie spent most of her life in accounting. A skill that provided her with an income and some satisfaction. However it was never her passion or calling. Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy are different in that hypnosis creates positive transformations with direct suggestions while hypnotherapy actually allows for the reframing of our thoughts and beliefs; simply, rapidly and permanently. When Jackie discovered hypnosis and hypnotherapy she discovered a way to fulfil on her dreams. She found her passion!
Jackie received her training from the highly respected Coastal Academy of Hypnotherapy, being taught Integrated Mind Systems and highly ethical client based therapies. Jackie has also been trained in Specialty Pain Relief using Quantum Focusing Techniques.
Jackie's office is centrally located in Langley and services the Fraser Valley area. |